Kukan Kogei -空間工芸-

Notes about my 3d printing artcrafts

Entries from 2020-05-01 to 1 month

Four-Dimensional Rotation with Blender add-ons

Updated (Nov. 6, 2020) Four-D rotation script for Animation nodes has been uploaded in my gist. https://gist.github.com/asahidari/b4714563570e7ce1c27b1bb61b9a727d Image below is how to use the script. OverView In my previous writing*1 abou…

Creating Riemann's Minimal Surface 3D model in python

Overview When Searching for Riemann's minimal surface, you can find many drawings generated in Mathematica. But it seems difficult to find the way to create the surface in another environments. So I tried to make another example,using pyth…

Exporting 3d surfaces into STL files in Python

Overview When writing some python code in Jupyter and displaying 3d surfaces using matplotlib, I sometimes want to export the surfaces into STL (stereolithography) files to use the 3d models in other software(Blender, Meshlab, etc.). Altho…