Kukan Kogei -空間工芸-

Notes about my 3d printing artcrafts

Entries from 2020-06-01 to 1 month

Miura fold in Blender with add-ons

Overview When using 3D-CG tools like Rhino + Grasshopper or Houdini, finding articles about 'origami' is relatively easy. In such documents, the Miura fold1 (Miura-ori) is often mentioned. Currently (June 2020), however, I'v not been able …

Hopf fibration in Blender with add-ons

OverView I read about Wikipedia's Hopf fibration1 page. This graphic model is really beatiful. After some research, I found a blog https://nilesjohnson.net/hopf-production.html, offering mathematical details, a fibration animation in a You…

Calabi Yau and Hanson's Manifold in Blender (with add-ons)

OverView I wrote about creating Calabi Yau Manifold with python in my previous post1 . After that, I found an article2 about another version of this manifold having torus-knot-like shape. In my previous entry, I made the original manifold …

Creating Calabi Yau Manifold in python

Overview I got interested in manifold (in math)1 after creating some minimal surfaces and implementing 4d rotation in my previous post. especially, Calabi-Yau manifold2 looks beautiful. After finding some websites to modeling this, I tried…

Rotating Tesseract in Blender (with add-ons)

OverView I already wrote about 4d rotation in my previous post1. After that, I found some articles about Tesseract (four-dimensional analogue of the cube)2 . Also, some people have already posted Youtube videos3 explaining it using some ma…