Kukan Kogei -空間工芸-

Notes about my 3d printing artcrafts

Modeling gyroid unit cell with sverchok


To understand how to generate gyroid unit cell, this video will tell you almost all things.

Gyroid Minimal Surface (Blender) - YouTube

Following this tutorial, I made it with blender node editor, sverchok. I write down the process of the noding and modeling.


At first, you need the primitive part of the cell. In the movie, three curved panels are created from a box with bezier curves. Using sverchok, I could not find the good way to follow the method. Instead, I find 'Proportional Edit fall off' node to make the curved surface spherically. Applying this node with 'Select mesh elements by location' nodes to a plane, I made the basic one. (After create a primitive one, I made the basic element with three copies of the surface.)




 After Applying 'Smooth Vertices' node, the mesh is moved to the base position.


Then, copy the basic mesh to the side of it.


After copying the previous mesh a couple of times, we can get the gyroid unit cell.


Though it is not the purpose of this article, some more procedures are needed (mask modifier to the edge, copy modifer, etc.) to connect the base meshes and expand the gyroid. If you will proceed more, some modifiers in sverchok will help the work.:-)


Gyroid Minimal Surface (Blender) - YouTube



* OS: macOS Sierra

* Blender: version 2.79b

* Sverchok version 0.5